Donate to Tonbridge Counselling Service
TCS is a charity which means that we do not make a profit.
Some people who make an enquiry to TCS are not able to afford the full fee that we need to charge to be able to cover our overheads.
If you would like to donate to Tonbridge Counselling Service, you will be helping contribute towards this fee.
If you would like to make a donation via BACS here are our bank details:
Lloyds Bank
Sort code : 30-98-63
ACC: 22032060
Gift Aid
If you would like to Gift Aid your donation please use the respective donation button below. If you are a UK taxpayer, clicking on the ‘Gift Aid my Donation’ button will increase the value of your donation by 25%. This means that for every £1 donated, Tonbridge Counselling Service receives a further 25p from the Government.
Our Donors